Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fishing in Foster

Toasty warm all night in Sheila's heated bed covers! What a treat.

The day only got better from there. Sheila's friend has a private lot on a lake about an hour south of KC in Foster, MO, right on the stateline that she and Glen could take us down to learn how to catch and clean fish.

After delicious eggs, bacon, toast and grapefruit breakfast, we gathered up our poles and tackle (oh we brought some!), Sheila picked up hot dogs, brats, s'more stuff and we hopped in her RV for the ride down.

Perfect day for it. Sunny, 70 degrees and a nice breeze. We pulled up to Dale's bait shop in this tiny town of Rt. 69 to pick up a couple dozen minnows and got to the lot around noon. it was a small lake cut out from an old mine with private access through a locked gate.

But the fish we not biting. Shiela said NOBOBY comes away from this spot without catching one but not us. So we gathered wood for a fire to roast the brats and dogs on sticks and chowed down on fire roasted dogs smothered in a can of chili Shiela threw in the fire.

Spent the rest of the day moving from chatting and feeding the fire to casting a few lines and back again. The dock and the afternoon was relaxing and beautiful.

We started to wrap up around 5 when the clouds started to block the sun and it was getting chilly. Still no fish bites so we gave in.

Then just as we were putting out the fire to leave, Sheila's line got a tug. She'd left it hanging out in the water off a chair on the dock. Glen noticed and she rushed over to see. We all held our breathe and then she pulled it up! A couple pound crappie.  Shiela was right - nobody comes outta this spot without sumptin!

Then after a relaxing drive home (relaxing for everyone but Boo) Dave and I cooked up some spaghetti for us all.  So with full bellies and tired minds we all turned in for the night.

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