Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We're Engaged!

On October 18th, I got back to the farm in the early evening after two long days of driving by myself back to Montana from Chicago to find a note tied to a string on our bedroom door at the farm house: "Follow Me". So I did what the sign said and followed it. 

Tied to the string all along the room was KitKat after KitKat (hands down my favorite candy of all time). I followed the string until I came across a little love note card from Dave, and then more KitKats, and then a bottle of my favorite wine, and then...

A ring tied to the end:

Well, the funny part was that I thought Dave might actually be at the end of the string. He wasn't - not even in the room!  I searched around the house for him but he was in the shower - he didn't expect me home for another couple of hours.

I waited for him outside the bathroom. He came out - clean shaven! Saw the look of shock on my face, grabbed me, and asked me to be his wife.

And I said Yes.

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