Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Interview with WWOOFer Celine

We had the pleasure of working alongside Celine for most of August while she WWOOFed here at Crazy View Farm.  She left us last week to return to college in Washington state.  Here are some thoughts of her experience.

What was your favorite on-the-job experience at CVF? And off-the-job?
Park County 2011 Co-Ed Pig Wrestling Champions
-My favorite on-the-job expirience was working at the farmer's markets, particularly at Bogert Park in Bozeman. It was one of the biggest markets I had ever seen and I really enjoyed being on the other end of the farm stand. My favorite off-the-job experience was visiting Yellowstone on my weekend off. Or maybe pig wrestling. It's too close to call. 

Why did you select CVF to WWOOF?
-I picked Crazy View with a few criteria in mind: The farm had to be in a location I have never been to before, and it had to travel to a few farmer's markets. The more I learned however, the more I wanted to come. I loved the fact that there were horses, chickens, and donkeys, plenty of other WWOOFers, and Laurie seemed really awesome over our phone interview. 

What was your proudest moment at CVF?
-Building the drip irrigation tank. It was a big challenge for me considering I don't know very much at all about carpentry, plumbing, or irrigation. I ran into some really good luck in the right places and had some wonderful help, and the project worked out really well. The goal was to conserve and reuse water on the farm, and it does just that. 

How does WWOOFing fit into your career/life direction or goals?
-I am a Biology and Environmental Studies major at college, so organic farming was a great experience this summer. At the end of the last school year, I developed a big interest in agriculture from my Chemistry class and wanted to find out more first hand. Although I don't know if I see myself owning a farm in my future, I learned a lot about sustainability, agriculture, organics, and even environmental politics through WWOOFing. WWOOFing  helped my narrow my focus on what I want to pursue at school, and most importantly taught me a lot about myself. Working outside every day without making a dime was humbling, amazing, and totally worth it. I feel like I can connect to the farm industry much more intimately now. 

What were you top favorite meals?
-Double chocolate zucchini cake

What surprised you most about CVF?
-Honestly, what surprised me the most was how small the farm was. The last farm I WWOOFed at was about 2.5 acres, and I was pretty amazed at how much food CVF could put out for the small size. Having so many helpers is definitely a huge factor in that, but CVF definitely makes the most of the space that it has. It just goes to show that the amount of land really isn't an indicator of how much produce comes out of it. 

Did your experience live up to your expectations?
-I didn't really have any expectations about the farm when I showed up, because I really only knew what Laurie told me over the phone/in an email. I had a great time at the farm though, and absolutely loved the location and was in great company. The culture of Wilsall is remarkably different than where I grew up, and I also appreciated being able to experience that. I came to the farm hoping to learn a lot and to push myself, and accomplished both of those things. 

Celine, it was a pleasure getting to know and working with you here.  We all benefit from your work on the drip irrigation - we know the zucchinis love you for it!  We admire your adventurous spirit - when Dave and I were 19, we were only a few hours away from home at college, but you're studying across the country and then take off in the summer to work on a farm in Montana.  That's awesome.  We wish all the best!

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