Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Pig wrestling

This past weekend was the Park County Fair.  One of the main attractions at the fair is the pig wrestling competition.  This year being the 24th annual.  So for reasons unbeknownst to us, we all signed up to compete.  After the farmers markets Saturday morning we came home and relaxed for a little bit.  Then we got ready for our big meet.  We headed into town a little bit early to grab a drink beforehand.  At the time we got to the fairgrounds there weren't many people in the stands.  But after sign in while we waited for the event the crowd grew.  

Then the calcutta began.  The teams are auctioned off to the crowd to raise money.
Laurie, Jeff, Jody, and Ashley posing for the calcutta
Before we knew it our turn was upon us.  Liz, Sara, Heather, and myself dove into the ring.  We were close to finishing with a good time but the pig squirmed out.  And I lost my glasses, but we found them.
Although, the winners happened to be in our party.
Billy, Jody, Heather, and Celine getting the pig in the barrel
It was a very unique experience.  We all had a lot of fun competing and might try again if the opportunity ever arises.

1 comment:

  1. hehe This doesn't surprise me in the least and it really makes me smile!!!!
