Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FoCoMx and Estes Park

We had a pretty busy weekend.  It was the third annual Fort Collins Music Experiment (FoCoMx.)  Over two nights they had 260 local bands playing at 30 different venues throughout Fort Collins.  Needless to say we couldn't see everyone.

It was a hard to decide which bands to see because we had not heard of any of them.  But I think we lucked out pretty well.  Almost all of the bands we saw were fantastic.  And we even got to visit some breweries to catch some music.

After all of that excitement we took a zero day on Sunday.  We all layed around the house until evening and dinner.  Then a movie on the couch and bed.

Back at it again on Monday.  Marc came over in the morning and the three of us and the two dogs loaded up the car and headed to Estes Park.  It took us a little while to drive into the mountains but it was a spectacular view.  As we pulled into town we stopped off at the visitor center for a little info and to let the dogs run.  The center is right by the river.  Boo and Einstein were super excited to play in it.

From there we took the river walk along the back side of downtown.  It was very scenic and we stopped into a few shops along the way.  We continued walking down to the Estes Park Brewery.

View of the brewery with snow capped mountains
It was a cool brewery.  We hung out in the tap room tasting everything and then went upstairs for some lunch.  And more beer of course.

On our way out of Estes Park we drove by the Stanley Hotel.  Even from the outside it looked a little eerie.  The rest of the day was filled up with driving part of the peak to peak highway.  Stunning views most of the drive.  And then it was back to FoCo.

As our adventure continues I've begun storing our photos on Winkflash.  As much as I love Picasa we just needed more space.  Eventually I'll have all of our pictures in one place.  Here is the link to our Winkflash album.

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