Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday in the Park

Feel like another lazy day. Slept in some this morning before I finally got let out. But there was a bowl of food waiting for me when we got back in. MMMM kibble!

Then we went for a long walk. We took a the spring creek trail past the park. We stopped under a bridge so I could play in the stream. It was so much fun. Then on the way back we ran around the park for a little bit.

I was pretty tired after that so thankfully we headed home. When we got back home I wanted to take an nap. But this crazy thing they call a Roomba was running amok in the house. I wasn't quite sure what to do.

Eventually it got put away and I could relax. Everyone is talking about going out tonight but I'm going to stay in and relax after the exciting day I had.

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