Monday, April 25, 2011

Red Rocks, Golden, Lyons

Early morning flight back to Denver. Upon our arrival we picked up our backs and waited for Marc. It wasn't long before he got us and we were eating some food. It was such a beautiful day we ate outside and discussed what to do. Since we were already in Denver we took a trip to Red Rocks Amphitheater.

There was quite a bit of people out on account of the weather. But that didn't make the view any less spectacular. Partly up in the mountains an amphitheater etched into the stone.

There was a lot of people running back and forth and up and down the aisles and rows. We thought it would be fun to watch Einstein run up all of the seats. To do that someone had to bring him down. So I went with him. His finish time blew mine away but we were both beat.

From there we drove into Golden. Lots of pretty scenery along the way. We stopped at the Mountaineering Museum so Marc could get some books. Then we layed out in the lawn.

After that we continued along the road to Lyons. There we took a stroll through a small park and past a brewery (that's right, past a brewery) to Lyon's Classic Pinball.

There is over 30 pinball games from the past four decades. Basically an all pinball arcade. There was definitely some unique ones among the group. Most notably a two player vs. jousting one, and a gigantic one.

The ball was the size of a pool ball

Then it was back to Fort Collins. As we pulled into town it began to rain. Right by the house we saw a dog run across the street. There was some people in the lot who looked like they were the owners. Until we saw the dog continuing down the street and running in the middle of a lane. We pulled up to her and I jumped out hesitant to get close. However she jumped right in the car. Boo and Einstein were not very happy about that. We drove back to the parking lot and got her our and on a leash. Her tags said that her name was Eva. Liz called the number and the owner was on his way to meet us. Turns out she escaped from a second story! What a day. Tired and wet we called it over.

Eva looking for her master

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