Thursday, October 27, 2011

National Public Lands Day at Yellowstone NP

On Saturday, Sept 24th, Dave, Mette, Henriette and I volunteered on a trail crew at Yellowstone National Park as part of National Public Lands Day.
Dave and I heard about the volunteer opportunity in the Livingston newspaper - they were calling for 20 volunteers to do trail work at Yellowstone.  We were excited to have the opportunity to get into the back country a bit in Yellowstone with the park rangers as a guide.
Dave cross-cutting a log in the trail
We were lucky enough to have Mette and Henriette join us to volunteer for the day and then camp in Yellowstone for the night.

It was hard work. I don't know how these rangers and trail maintenance guys go out every day rain or shine, hiking miles with shovels and pick axs to clear trails and restore areas.  We did it from 10 to 4 on one day and were sore for a week.
Henriette and Mette getting instructions
A highlight of the day was our relaxing lunchtime on a beautiful mountain vista with the whole group.  Two of the park rangers gave us a great talk on the ecological history of Yellowstone - how the canyon was formed by a giant volcano and how people used to travel through the area by horse carriage. 

Henriette being interviewed by a WY radio reporter
At the end of our hard days work, we were each rewarded with a pass for one free entrance to any national park, a sweet baseball cap, and a certificate.

Look out next fall for the next National Public Lands Day and volunteer at your local city, county, state or national park!  It's a great way to experience Our parks. 

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