Tuesday, September 13, 2011


For the past few weeks Dave's had a steady countdown of days until the Montana Brewers Association Beerfest.  And Friday it finally came.

We all - Dave, Marc, Mette, Henriette, Val, Jake and I - picked up tickets to the brewfest in Bozeman and headed out for a WWOOFer good time.

Dave had every intention to sample every single beer served - all fifty or so of them!  That's alot of ounces.  But with five hours and bottomless pours, the feat was not impossible.
Jake & Val cut a rug
Needless to say, we gave it our best shot. Early on we tasted and graded each sample, keeping great notes and whatnot... but then, as you can imagine, the senses dull, the dancing picks up, and then one beer is as good as another.  So we danced to the great live band and got refill after refill.
 You'll be happy to know that we planned ahead for our adventure - we got a hotel room a few blocks away and stumbled back to it all together.  Seven in one room for two - just like the old college days.
Skål!  (Cheers in Norwegian)
We love Montana beer!

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