Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Marc's here!

I'm happy to report that this week we had our latest (and presumably last!) visitor to the farm: my best friend Marc!  Marc came up from Fort Collins, CO, last week to see the farm, lend a hand, and hangout in the most beautiful place around.
And on his first day of hard labor on the farm we had a brand new task at hand: peeling garlic.  Laurie planted garlic at the end of last season and she and Dave picked it out of the ground last week.  It's not as big as we're hoping yet so Laurie had us peel the garlic and we'll replant it in October to grow over-winter.  She told us that sometimes a plant needs time to adjust to the soil and conditions it grows in so if this garlic has a second-go-around, it'll be familiar with the conditions and will grow stronger for next year.
In the meantime, the whole workshed smells like delicious garlic.  Isn't it pretty?
 We were garlic paparazzi.

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