Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Goodbye, Summer

Although it's not officially fall until the end of this week, last night certainly marked the end of summer.  This morning the gardens were fully covered in ice and frost:
Old Man Winter dropped in for a visit.  It got down to the upper-20's.  Frost covered everything - but not before the deer and antelope had a buffet of lettuce.  
Because the frost burned much of the gardens, it was hard day for picking.  We started the only place we could - digging out all the root veggies to sell.  We took out two entire beds of beets and carrots - more then we've ever picked - knowing the it would be hard to get much more out of the garden.   
By the time Laurie and Henriette were off to the market, we were able to scrounge up enough variety for the spicy mix.  So with beets, carrots, spicy mix, tomatoes from the greenhouse, some zucchinis and a bunch of lettuce mix picked yesterday, they headed off to the market in Bozeman.

We've got various veggies growing in flats and lots growing in the greenhouse so if we can get the gardens through this rough spell - and keep the deer out! - we should be able to continue to sell through October and the winter market.

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