Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fairy Lake

Sunday was rather uneventful.  We mostly hung out watching netflix.  Squeezed in a small nap.  Later we all hung out on the back porch.

Monday we had plans of getting up early and going out for a hike.  We didn't quite wake up early but it was already a gorgeous day when we did get up.  Grabbed a little breakfast and discussed our plan.  We looked at a few hikes and decided that we should go to Fairy Lake and bring Boo with.  So we threw a few things together and borrowed Sara's car.

The drive up to the lake is beautiful.  It took us about 45 min to get to the parking lot.  We got out and were off on the path to the lake.  We noticed that there were a ton of horse-flys but didn't think much of it at first.  Not far from the lot the trees open up and the view of Fairy Lake is gorgeous.

As we were hanging out and Boo was swimming, the flys began to get extremely bothersome.  So instead of eating lunch there we packed it up and headed back home.  And a nice uneventful night to cap it off.

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