Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Farmer Cookout

Friday was an unusually long day here at Crazy View. Of course, it was a pick-wash-pack day to prep for the Saturday market in Livingston. So we knocked that out in no time and then got to the real business: prepping for a visit from the farmers and farm interns at Gallatin Valley Botanical for a tour of the place and a cookout.

The GVB farmers Matt and Jacy brought their team of five interns over to check out our farm. They are paid interns all with strong ambitions to run a farm. GVB is seven acres with a large CSA so they have their work cut out for them. Part of their internship is learning about how other farms run their operations and so they spent the day touring the two Wilsall farms - Cloud9 and ours.

The GVB crew brought a ton of great stuff for the cookout. Matt grilled up goat kilbasa and venison burgers and Laurie cooked up amazing pasta salad and sides. We feasted like kings on the porch all night and drank a good deal of Bozone beer and wine.

As the night wore on, rumbles of desert grew louder until Laurie called in a big favor -- we got a five gallon tub of Montana Moose Moss ice cream from the Cafe just before they closed!

It didn't take long for us hungry farm hands to put a serious dent in the ice cream. Not long after 10, the long work day caught up to all of us and we called it a night and bid our new farmer friends adeiu.

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