Saturday, July 2, 2011

Goodbye to One, Hello to Two

Kelsey finished her goodbyes and headed out early Friday.  For the rest of us it began as another pick/pack day.  A couple hours into the work day we were greeted by our new WWOOFers.  Andrea and Moreo will be with us throughout July.  
Andrea and Moreo
They barely had time to unload their stuff before they eagerly jumped into the work.  Even though they had just come from a goose farm,they quickly got the swing of things here.

While we were washing everything a strange dog came around the corner.  A closer look yielded a familiar yet dirty face.

Dust-covered Boo
We finished up work and took the boys down to the bar for a welcome beer.  We made it just in time for happy hour so we stayed for a few.  The bartender even bought us a round of shots.

A Drunken Palmer in a boot shot glass
Once we returned from the bar Liz and I gave Boo a much needed bath.  She looks much better now.  After that we were all just hanging out talking and Liz decided to redraw the sign for our table at the market.
It wasn't long until dinner was ready and we finished the day off with another tasty meal.

Welcome to Crazy View Mareo and Andrea!

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