Monday, July 4, 2011

Pinky and the Floyd

After laying around all morning we got our things together and headed into Livingston.  Liz, Sara, and I pulled into town in the afternoon and checked out the art walk.  There was lots of beautiful hand crafted things.  The one unusual thing that sticks out is pickled garlic.  The guy selling it had some samples and it was amazing.  Pickled garlic is now on the to-do list.  Just as we finished the art walk a storm started to roll in.  As we were standing on the street trying to figure out what to do someone was yelling at us.  It was Andrea.  He and Moreo were across the street in a bar.  Of course we would bump into the only two people we know.  So we joined them for a drink.
From there Sara went with the boys to try and check out the rodeo while Liz and I headed to the Pine Creek Lodge and Cafe.  A couple weeks ago we got tickets to Pinky and the Floyd, a 10 piece band that covers Pink Floyd.

It was a great show.  We skipped out of the show a little early to try and see some of the post rodeo fireworks.  The fireworks had begun while we were driving so we pulled down a dirt road and parked to watch the above the tree line.
It was a pleasant end to a beautiful day.  We got home just after 11 and went straight to bed.

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