Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Morans come to visit

Yet another pick and pack day.  Same routine as always.  But after we got the truck loaded it was time for something new.  Today Liz's parents arrived in Bozeman.  They are in town for a week.  We met them at the farmer's market and introduced them to Laurie and Sara.  Then we took a stroll around.  After we finished looking at all the market had to offer we drove to downtown and walked around there.

An hour or so later it was back to the market to catch a little live music.  We found a bench to sit on and luckily so because the band had some trouble getting started.  But it did allow us time to get a picture taken.

From there we went out for a bite to eat.  And then all called it an early night.  Liz and I are looking forward to having a great adventure with them this next week,

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