Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Revamping the Hoop House

The hoop house had seen better days.  The tatsoi had bolted and gone to flower.  Just about all the heads of lettuce were harvested.  The spinach was long gone.  Aphids were starting to take control.  And the tomatoes and peppers were ready to be planted.  
So we tried a simple idea.  After removing the tomatoes and peppers we closed all four sides of the hoop house up.  The theory being that it would kill off all the plants, weeds, and aphids still trapped inside.  It didn't quite work out that well.  
Although it did get quite hot inside all of the plants and weed seemed to flourish.  Even after a week with no water and high temps there was barely any yellow to be seen.  On the plus side it did seem to put a hurt on the aphid population.  Hoooray!!

With the tomatoes and peppers beginning to root out the bottom of their pots we couldn't wait much longer.  Laurie finally made the call to go in and rip it all out.  Sara spent an entire day pulling everything.
The next day Moreo, Andrea, and I began to plant.  Digging holes and putting plants into them.  All day long.  We got all 105 pepper plants that were left and 60 of the tomato plants.  The day after I finished the tomatoes and went on to plant squash and cucumbers.  A complete transformation of the hoop house.  And it looks great.

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