Friday, May 6, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

After we finished celebrating Jess' birthday on the third it was Julia's birthday on the fifth.  It's also the day scheduled for Boo's surgery.  Liz and I were up early to get Boo to the vet.  Then Liz had a meeting to go to.  So Julia, Marc, and myself went for a hike.

We set off toward the Poudre Canyon with the plan of hunting for a Geocache. Starting at the Raging Creek trail head we hiked up a fairly steep slope.  Due to time constraints we did not make it to the cache.  But there was plenty of beautiful views along the way.

Later on we were able to pick Boo up.  Everything went fine with the surgery.  She was still a little groggy and whiny from the drugs but that didn't last long.

So now we've got a long road to recovery.  But we are all up to the task, and looking forward to walking limp free again.  In the mean time Boo will not be joining us for adventures.

Feliz Cinco de Mayo!

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