Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The farming begins

Today was our first real day of work.  The weather was crappy but we had to go on anyway.  The first thing we did was to wash and bag all of the greens that we had harvested yesterday.  We set up the wash station in one of the buildings on the farm.  It provided some shelter from the rain but left a view.  The greens went through four water rinses before they were spun dry in a salad spinner.  Then they were bagged up and labeled for market.

Laurie went into town to sell our freshly bagged produce while Liz and I remained behind.  We lounged a little bit but then got back to work putting stuff away in the camper.  It's still messy but everyday it gets closer to being organized.

When Laurie got back we headed into the greenhouse.  There is an infestation of aphids starting to form.  Aphids are one of the most destructive pests in the world.  As they feed on the plants their reproductive rate is immense causing the population to skyrocket.  Our first hurdle of organic farming.  Laurie got some organic pest soap that is supposed to help.  So we spent some time spraying the infected plants with the soap.  Hopefully it works.  When we finished that we spent a couple hours weeding.

With the work done for the day we took Boo for a walk and headed inside for dinner.  We had a salad with some freshly picked arugula, by yours truly, and some ravioli with a sauce from last years tomatoes.  Once we were all stuffed we sat around the table and chatted for a while.

As the rain drops still patter around us it's time to settle into bed.  Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings. 

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