Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day hike in the snow

It's been a pretty low key week in Fort Collins.  But we were all off work yesterday so we went for a Mayday hike.  Marc came over in the morning and cooked us breakfast and the ladies made some sandwiches for lunch. And then we were off.

It was a brisk May first and we didn't want too tough of a trail.  So we settled on Mt. Margaret.  A mere four miles from the trail head to the peak.  Once we all had enough jackets on we started on the trail.  It's an interesting hike because the peak of Mt. Margaret is actually at a lower altitude than the trail head.

As we hiked we saw many rock formations along the way.  We took it as an opportunity to do a little bouldering.  Basically some small rock climbing without safety gear.  It was fun.

As we continued along our way it began to snow.  In May.  Hooray for the mountains!!  A couple more brief stops, at least once to check out the campsites, and we had made it to the top.

The perfect place for us to have lunch.  The walk back was somewhat less exciting because it was backtracking.  However there was a flock of deer that passed by us.

The drive back into FoCo we took the route through the Poudre canyon.  Turns out that the light dusting we got on the hike hit the Poudre a lot harder.  There was snow on everything.  And it looked beautiful

Back home Jess made up some stir fry and we ate while watching the president speak.

We don't have much planned for this week yet.  Except for Boo.  We're going to have a consultation with the vet and surgeon today.  We might get surgery scheduled for later in the week.

Happy May Everyone

PS I finished putting our pictures on Winkflash and will continue to upload to them there.

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