Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Planting Garden 3

Today we got hit with a beautiful day.  The sun was shining and the sky was mostly clear.  The task for today was planting out some seedlings from the ark (it's a greenhouse type building at the farm which we'll get into more detail later.)  After breakfast we headed straight out to garden 3.

As you may recall we tilled this garden just a few days ago.  We created four trenches in the loose soil with a hoe.

Then we watered the trenches.

Then we planted the seedlings.


And repeat the rest of the day.

Once we had finished planting some mustard greens and chard we had to reset the hoops for the cover.  We took them down to make tilling easier.  With the hoops set up we dragged some cover over and pinned it down.  Pretty easy day.  Until we got to the last bed we were to plant.

About halfway through the bed some storm clouds began to develop over the Bridgers.  As we were planting the last few seedlings it moved in on us.  

Chaos ensued. We still had 2 beds to cover.  As we started running around to get this done Liz and Sara brought all the seedlings that had been getting sun back inside.  I ran over and closed up the greenhouse.  We managed to get all of that done without getting too wet.  And of course after we had all gotten inside the sun came back out.  Soon the rain stopped.  The three of us went out on the porch, sat in the sun, and giggled about how frantic we rushed around not ten minutes earlier.

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