Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bozeman Farmers Market, and Meet Kelsey

It's such a tease when the weekend is spectacularly beautiful - perfect for planting out or washing veggies in ice cold water - but when the work week resumes, Mother Nature returns with a vengeance.  Such was the case today.  And the nastiness is expected at least for the next few days.

So it made for a chilly rainy morning of frantically prepping for today's Farmers Market in Bozeman.  We needed lots of spicy salad mix, arugula and the new addition: gorgeous giant head lettuce.   From 7:30 until Noon, that was our single focus and we did it with a little time to spare.  Tonight Laurie and Sara are the salespeople for the market so the rest of us stayed back to knock out a few things with the rest of the afternoon.

Dave set out to rescue the errant tomato plants that sprung up in the spinach rows in the greenhouse.  They're hardy leftovers of last season.  When I first started working in the spinach, I was pretty proud of myself that I'd pulled some big weeds in there; instead I murdered two of the dozens of the tomato plants!  I gave him a hand with that until we had nearly three dozen plants pulled with plenty more left behind.


Meet the new WWOOF arrival, Kelsey!

Kelsey arrived at Crazy View on Sunday from her last WWOOF with Cloud 9, another Wilsall organic farm.  She's from the Portland, OR, area and is a wild WWOOF adventure all over the west.  She'll be with us for a month before she heads of to farms in NM, NV and CA.

This afternoon she hauled off all of the leftovers from picking (arugula and spinach stems, etc) and chucked it into the coup.  The chickens go crazy for that stuff.  They're like garbage disposals - they eat anything!

Welcome, Kelsey! 

Since the master chef Laurie was off at the market, I through together a pad thai dinner for Dave, Kelsey and I, and they dutifully chowed it down even though it wasn't great.  Then we took all four dogs for a walk through the fields and we all called it an early night.

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