Friday, June 10, 2011

There is sun in Montana!

We started off today with the expectations of more rain.  As we finished breakfast and got ready for work the sky was clearing up a little.  Liz, Kelsey, and I hopped in Gracie (the farm truck) and headed down to Muddy Creek to get some more straw.  Meanwhile Laurie and Sara gave CJ a bath as he had coated himself in poop.

When we got back Laurie and Sara were already planting in garden 1.  We unloaded the straw as the sun began to peek out.  By the time we were all planting the sun was out in full force and it was warming up quite a bit.

We planted in gardens 1 and 2 until lunch.  Grabbing a quick bite and shedding some layers we were all excited to get out and work since it was turning into a beautiful day.  As we finished up planted we started to do some weeding.  There are some horseradish and rhubarb, which are perennials that Laurie planted last year, which were being overgrown with weeds and grass.  So we freed them.

That pretty much closed out the work day.  And the afternoon thunderstorms were nowhere in sight.

Kelsey in Garden 1
To make sure we were really tired Liz and I went for a bike ride.  First up to the high corner of the farm.  From there it was a nice coast all the way down to the mailbox.  But then the brutal climb back up to the farm.  Our time improved a little since our first ride but it still destroyed us.  We hobbled into the house and got cleaned up for dinner.  And now it's time for bed. 

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