Monday, June 20, 2011

Pine Creek Falls

After we tried to sleep in some this morning we decided it would be a good day for a trip into Livingston.  We had a few things that needed to be returned to the library and we also wanted to pick up some tickets to a Pinky and the Floyd show on July 3rd.  We also thought it would be a good idea to stop by the Gallatin National Forest ranger station.  So after lunch we headed into town.

While making our scheduled stops we wandered into a small bookstore.  We ended up chatting with the owner for a little bit.  Liz asked if there were any good scenic drives nearby and he basically said that you can't not have a scenic drive in the area.  He went on to give a little more detail about a few.  One in particular sounded cool.  Just south of Livingston is Pine Creek and a miles hike from the road is a waterfall.  So off we went.

As promised the ride out to the aptly named Paradise Valley (the area where Pine Creek is) was stunning.  We found the trailhead at the back of a campground and hiked out to the falls.

After spending a couple hours on the trail we headed back home.  When we arrived back at Crazy View, Billy was the only one home.  As we got out of the car he asked if we wanted to go catch a calf.  Of course we both eagerly agreed.  Yesterday we had noticed a calf in the wrong field and separated from his mother by a fence.  So today we drove out to see if we could reunite them.  However when we got out to the field the calf was nowhere in sight.  The three of us walked around for a bit and were able to notice that the calf was in yet another field.  Although this one at least had some other cattle in it.  Billy decided that it was safe enough for the night and that we would need a horse or an ATV to get the calf into the next field without too much hassle.  So no cattle wrangling today.

By the time we got back to the house, again, Laurie head returned from the store.  She had gone out to get provisions for the next week.  She also picked up a new gun.  The gophers are a huge infestation out here and the state pastime is shooting them.  She put me in charge of pest control.  But she decided that she needed to be the first to shoot the gun so we squeezed off a few rounds.
Then it was time for another delicious dinner.  We stuffed ourselves and chatted for a bit. Tomorrow is an early day because we have a market tomorrow night.  So we all dispersed to bed shortly after dinner.

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