Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Early start for the Livingston farmers market

Today we started early.  We had to pick, wash, and package for the market this afternoon.  After breakfast we all headed out and started to pick.  First the greenhouse, then garden 1, and even garden 3.  It was exciting to be picking leaves off of what we planted out a couple weeks ago.

Once the picking was complete the girls washed and packed everything while I planted tomatoes in the holes I dug yesterday.

After lunch Liz and Laurie went to the market while Kelsey, Sara, and I planted out some more lettuce in garden 3.  When we finished that we put some straw mulch around the freshly planted tomatoes.

Just as we finished that up it started to drizzle so we called it a day.  Time to relax inside.  We put on the kettle and I started a fire.

When Liz and Laurie got back from the market a little early.  It began pouring in Livingston and kinda ended it.  They did manage to sell almost everything before the rain.  Way to go girls!!!
Cattle drive on the highway to Livingston

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