Thursday, June 30, 2011

Watching the Herd

Mostly another routine day.   Picked and packed for the market.  I think we're getting better at it because it seems to be going smoother.  And our product is so good the dogs even want to eat it.
Mary eating a discarded romaine leaf
After work I tended to a few personal plants.  We've been carting around a Pansy that we got in Fort Collins on Earth Day,  It was a small little stub with one tiny bud when we got it and now it's getting big with many flowers.

As Laurie and Sara were heading off to market Liz and I took Boo for a walk.  We headed out into the fields and were strolling back when the truck was driving out to us.  On their way out the girls noticed that there were a couple of coyotes circling the herd of cattle down the road.  They brought out the .22 and handed it off to me.  So I started to walk out to the cows while Liz put Boo inside.  Fortunately when I got out to the cow field there were no canines around.  Although later Billy informed us that at this point in the year it would be awfully hard for coyotes to get a calf because of how big they've gotten.

So crisis averted we rested easy.  Later on when Liz and Kelsey went out to water the gardens I cooked some pasta for dinner and used frozen tomatoes from last years garden.  Delicious.

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