Monday, June 20, 2011

Wilsall Rodeo and Happy Father's Day

There was excitement in the air this morning when the Crazy View crew arose: Laurie had baked cinnamon apples for breakfast, we're going to the Wilsall Rodeo and Parade, calling our dads, and we're in the last day of week one on the cleanse (tomorrow we get to add rice and nuts to our meals!).

The baked apples didn't last long and after we were all stuffed and had our cups of tea, we got ready to head down to Wilsall for the rodeo parade.  We left a bit early so we could get a good spot among the huge crowd (all of Wilsall's 250 residents) and it's a good thing we did...  Just down the road from the farm, a big herd of the neighbor's cattle had broke loose.  Laurie said, "Well there goes the parade for us..."
Teamwork to get the cattle round up
After checking the ear tags to figure out who's they were, we started the long haul down the road, walking them to a nearby open gate, with Billy and Sara down the road and us up.  The cattle didn't put up much of a fight and after almost a half hour, they were all back in the pasture.

We put it into high gear to get down to the parade route.  It started a few minutes after noon and we rolled up just in time to claim a spot in front of the Wilsall Cafe.  
Crazy Crew at the parade: Laurie, Kelsey, Sara, Liz & Dave
We wanted to share a slice of small-town Americana so we took video of the whole parade.  Southsiders, don't fret - this parade was only ten minutes long! - not two hours like we're used to. Steven, look out for the old fire trucks at the end of the parade - Dave thought you'd like them.
It was a good two hours after the parade before the Rodeo began so we headed back for lunch at home.  A huge salad and some potatoes and we were back in business and Sara, Dave and I were headed back down to watch our first rodeo.

The backdrop was stunning (though we see those mountains closeup everyday) to watch the bareback riding, barrel racing, steer wrestling, team roping and, of course, bull riding.  The horsemanship was phenomenal.  They made riding look so easy and graceful even though we all know it's a PITA, literally.  Among the cowboy-hat donning crowd, everyone was happy and friendly and chowing down on burgers and hot dogs that made our mouths water to think about.  
Team roping
A few hours later - and with sore bums from the bleacher seating - we headed home to relax. I took a nap with Boo and then Dave and I took her on a walk. We met the neighbor's horses along the way.
After our walk, we enjoyed the long sunset over the Bridgers from the porch before another amazing dinner Laurie had prepared - homemade tomato soup and fresh-picked salads.  We all talked about our plans and work for the week and shortly thereafter, we headed to bed to watch movies and sleep.

Happy Father's Day! 
We'd like to wish our dads a very happy father's day.  We wish we could be back home to celebrate you and all you've done for us.  We miss you!

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