Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dave's first market and our first town dance

I woke up nice and early Saturday so Laurie and I could head to the market in Bozeman.  The moon was still up and close to full.  I snapped this on the way to Bozeman.
Full moon on the left
We got in to town and arrived at the fairgrounds right on time.  After we got inside we unloaded everything.  I started setting up while Laurie parked the truck.  Shortly after we were all set up and ready to go.
The market went well.  Laurie said it seemed a little slower than it should have been for the first Saturday market.  We still managed to sell most of what we brought though.   We came back home afterward and had lunch while Liz was finishing up some weeding.

I made some notes on the Google satellite image of the farm so everyone can get an idea of the layout.  There is a many fields on the property where the horses and sometimes cattle graze but this is the only areas we farm.
After dinner we all got dressed up for the town dance.  It ended up being really crowded because of the rodeo in town.  We still had a good time though.

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